Tuesday 3 April 2012

Book Review-Frankenstein


Book Title:

What genre of book is this?
science fiction – monster story
Who were the main characters in the book?

Neutral :
Victor Frankenstein

In what time period is this book set?

Narration begins in Russia then transitions to Geneva, Switzerland.

Why would you recommend somebody to read this book?

You should not read this book because ıt is nonsense and boring so I think you musnt prefer to this book.
Give a brief summary of the book plot.

Victor Frankenstein has created a monster. The monster's appearance was very terrible so people were afraid of him and trying to kill him. The monster was very lonely so monster wanted a wife than ıt want to create from victor because ıt wanted to be family but victor refused to create it aftr monster very angry in this situation.The monster wanted to be alone as its own.It killed everyone his around.Eventually killed him.

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