Wednesday 4 April 2012

Book Revıew -The Canterville Ghost


Book Title:The Cantervılle Ghost

What genre of book is this?
Ghost story

Who were the main characters in the book?

Goodies:Mrs otis,Virginia
Baddies:twins,Mr otis
Neutral :Cantervılle ghost

What was the setting? Did the setting change from the beginning of the book to the end? In what ways?
Canterville chase from America

In what time period is this book set?
Cantervılle chase

Why would you recommend somebody to read this book?
because ıt is very absorbing,fluent language.If you like ghost story you will prefer this book.You wont regret.

Give a brief summary of the book plot.

Mr otis was very rich so the house was purchased in Canterville chase butthe house was haunted.The house was bought because he was not afraid of the ghost.He did not believe in ghost.The Otises moved to home. Strange sounds were heard at home in midnight.Ghost thinks scare to thembut they were not afraid. They had fun with the ghost so ghost was very angry.Mr otis has got twins and daughter.His daughter name was Virginia.She believed that only a ghost.Ghost missed her and how the ghost told her. She found body of Sir simon(canterville ghost).Sir simon starved to death.His ghost was in this house for three hundred years but now he has found peace.There was a funeral four nights later.The Otises buried the body of Sir Simon de Canterville in a grave among the trees.

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