Friday 23 March 2012

Is computer games harmful

In recent years,development of technology has changed a lot of things in our lives such as invented in 1936 than ıt has been evolving up to now.In addition to draw attention,games and other programmes were added.Today there are a lot of games such as GT,COD,SIMS.Some people believe that computer games are useful but I think it is not necessary due to several reasons such as waste of time,bad effects on health,psychological effect.

      The first reason is waste of time.Children like playing computer games because ıt is very funny however why don’t they prefer to read boks or do their homework? Children’s families said” children prefer to play computer games to reading.”However instead of playing games,they should go out their friends.

      Another reason is psychological effect.If children always play computer games They will be unsocial and irresponsible.Mary,psychologist,said’’Children’s families should not allow children play computer games for along time.’’Acording to research, approximately 63% children who played computer game have more psychological problems.They can not differentitate real world from imaginary world.

      The last reason is bad effect on health.Computer games are harmful for children because children might have eye-disorder.They suffer from have backache because they sit too much.Tom,dietician,said’’ıf children always sit down in front of computer they’ll be obese.’’

      To sum up,ıf you want your children use time efficiently,ıf you want your children to have a healthy pschology and ıf you don’t want your children to have health problems,you should not let your children play to much computer games.

1 comment:

  1. oh my god what are you doing:):)

    there are not many problems with content and organisation. you have thesis statement, your introduction id from general to specific and you have topic sentences. you used transitions. therefore, your essay is successful.


    you can explain how children will become obese by sitting:) maybe you can say: as children don't want to leave their games, they prefer eating fast food because it's quick. thus, it is not healthy and if they continue this, they can have obesity day by day.
