Friday 23 March 2012

Should prep class be obligatory

   Today,life has a lot of difficulties hasn’t it?These difficulties change based on topic and people.One of the difficulties are the exams that we have to pass for the students.If you are a student,firstly you’ll get exams then ıf you pass the exams,you’ll feel relaxed.However a lot of things don’t happen as you hope.Such as the situation we are in today.Some people believe that prep class should be abolished, but I think it is necessary due to several advantages.
    The first advantage is to learn the language.If you know of any language you will understand tourists.For example, my department is tourism.It’s very important to have communication with tourist.Therefore, I have to speak English and other languages.Nowadays everthing is English such as computer,cell phone,movie,music,ınternet.If you know english , you’ll use computer better or you might get promotion.If you speak Englih ıt will help you find a job.Acording to reseach,approximately 63% people who knew English more successsful business.George,psychologist,said English is very important for career because English is an international language.
    Another advantage is education.It helps you to improve yourself.You’re more knowledgeable about many topics.You can broden the horizon such as Erasmus.Erasmus thank to meet difference people and you can fluently speak English.It will be different perspective in events.
  The Last advantge is adaptation process.Prep class get used to provide the school.If you pass prep class , you’ll easily understand the english lessons belong to deparment.Thank to prep class you meet new friends and teachers.Prep class is free. It means that students do not have to pay money.Prep class is not lost for first year student .
  To sum up , prep class should be obligatory.Prep class prepares us for life.It is very significant for education,adaption,learn language there You should study prep class.

1 comment:

  1. there are not many problems with content and organisation. everything seems ok. ı have made some corrections and additions in the following:

    the first advantage is you learn language.
    thanks to erasmus, you can meet different people and you can speak English fluently.
    the last advantage is it is an adaptation process.
    prep class provides students to get used to school.
    (you didn't explain 3rd bocy paragraph that well. your content should be more related with topic sentence. maybe you can say: as students only have English lessons for a year, they have enough free time to learn about the university and city. )
